I’m so excited to see my Big Sky Mountain Forest Wolves among the longlist for the Alligator’s Mouth Award 2023. So many terrific authors are with me on the longlist, so it really brightened up a dismal, murky old day when I heard the news! You can check out the full longlist here.
New Big Sky Mountain Book!
In other news, I’ve now completed the fourth and final book in the Big Sky Mountain series. Big Sky Mountain: The Sky Eagles will be out 20 July 2023. You can pre-order your copy here.

It’s always wonderful to reach the end of a book. It still feels like an achievement, just like every book has since I started.
This one feels especially good, what with fitting it around endless fatigue from my ME/Long Covid, doing a few illos a day, and generally limiting work time to what isn’t going to wipe me out. (I’m good at the long game, thankfully.)
Since finishing, I’ve tried to take some time off to try to get a bit better. I’m rubbish at resting, and the desire to do everything is strong, but the body is no longer willing. So rest I must.
The past month has seen me working on my mental health and brain rewiring to find a better way to overcome chronic fatigue, and the signs are really good. Using breathwork, cold showers, meditation and simple NLP techniques, I’ve really focused so hard on being positive, not fearing crashing again, and celebrating every little step forward.
Unlike previous times when I’ve started feeling semi-human over the past 15 months, this time my body seems to be in a better place to deal with everything and not have a negative response. And if I do have another crash, I feel better able to recover and take it with a positive spirit.