The final book in the Big Sky Mountain series – The Sky Eagles – is out now!
I’m so excited to share it with the world. This one is all about growing up and having to make your own decisions and, of course, eagles.
Here’s an extract from the blurb: “When Rosa wakes one morning to find Grandma Nan missing, she must use all of her survival skills to uncover her grandma’s whereabouts…”

Writing it with long covid was a challenge, but I’m feeling much better of late, and I’m taking things as easy as I can with a house full of building work going on. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing and illustrating it. This series is very close to my heart, and I think the subject matter is an important one (whilst still having plenty of silliness).

I always enjoy working on the back cover of my books, mainly because you can be a lot freer with what you illustrate! The thing I most love about Grandma Nan is that she is based on my gran, but ultimately looks a lot like my mum, so it’s always nice to have her on there!
You can buy The Sky Eagles now from all good bookshops!
There are also a few signed and doodled copies available from my shop.
PS. I would really appreciate your Amazon reviews – they make a huge difference to author sales and help to get the book to a new audience.