In the latest instalment, I show off my new hat and discuss the lovely Mumsnet Book of Animal stories.
Also, I get to show off some new LEGO Minifigures, which are currently making me very happy.
A new video diary!
Ok, so we’re getting close to the launch of the Tuptown Thief and I’m thinking about becomning Piggy Stardust for the night. There’ll be songs and all sorts of cake-based fun.
And on this video you’ll see me practise one of the songs. On a banjo. I can only apologise.
A new video diary! And a Pigsticks model…
Well, another week and another diary. This time I show off a few of the Pigsticks roughs that I’ve been working on. I also reveal a finished diorama of Pigsticks and Harold (and a grumpy Bobbins) in detective mode!
The day after the Gary’s Garden Launch party…
Another video diary. Here I get to talk about Gary Northfield, Sarah McIntyre, Philip Reeve, David O’Connell and Pirate George. And there’s even an appearance by Milo the cat. So, it was the launch of Gary’s Garden up at the Bookseller Crow in Crystal Palace…
Piggy Stardust animated!
I’ve been allowed to use some short animations made by JAM Media – the production company working on the Pigsticks and Harold TV show.
Now this won’t work if you don’t have Flash, sadly, but it’s a marvellous little snapshot of Piggy Stardust and the Hamsters from Mars.
The Alien Moon book trailer
And here it is! What the world’s been waiting for…
Yetis on the moon.
The Magma Conspiracy video
I was wondering what to do as a video to celebrate the new Mythical 9th Division book, and settled on a bit of reading. So here it goes: sit back, check out my living room doors, and hear me read the first chapter of the Magma Conspiracy.
Books that children really like: Into the Wild by Lerryn Korda
So many christmas top tens of children’s books rely on the views of us adults, and I always think it’s a shame that we don’t know more of the titles that children themselves pick out or like. These could be an old book found in a library, a tatty picture book from a charity shop, or something weird and wonderful that jumped off the back shelves of a children’s bookshop.
My daughter’s just turned into a one-year-old, but she’s already loving holding books and flicking through the pages. We’ve her given books from the age of zero, and one that really gets her attention is Into the Wild by Lerryn Korda. Cecily is a tricky one to film, being as, if not more, interested in the technology of the camera than whatever it is she’s currently doing, but I think on this bit of film we navigated the perils of tiny fingers clawing at the lens quite well.
She really does love kissing Little Nye. And what a beautiful book it is too.
Are there any books that children you know really like?