So many christmas top tens of children’s books rely on the views of us adults, and I always think it’s a shame that we don’t know more of the titles that children themselves pick out or like. These could be an old book found in a library, a tatty picture book from a charity shop, or something weird and wonderful that jumped off the back shelves of a children’s bookshop.
My daughter’s just turned into a one-year-old, but she’s already loving holding books and flicking through the pages. We’ve her given books from the age of zero, and one that really gets her attention is Into the Wild by Lerryn Korda. Cecily is a tricky one to film, being as, if not more, interested in the technology of the camera than whatever it is she’s currently doing, but I think on this bit of film we navigated the perils of tiny fingers clawing at the lens quite well.
She really does love kissing Little Nye. And what a beautiful book it is too.
Are there any books that children you know really like?
Hi Alex!
Over the past years my children had a lot of favourite books. Unfortunately most of them are only published in Germany. BUT there is one book that they still love to read. Each winter since we bought it 4 years ago – they are now 10 and 7 years old – over and over again. It`s Raymond Briggs “Father Christmas”. I love it too!
Congrats for the second “Mythical 9th Devision”! I was in Crystal Palace a few weeks ago meeting my friend Simon. I bought a copy of the first book there! The combination of comic and words is fantastic!
All my best!
@sarah – agree!
Hello Patrick! I totally agree about Father Christmas. I love that – and remember loving his grumpiness as a child. Thanks so much for your kind words about the yetis. Next time you’re over let’s meet up, I’d really like that!
Hey! Here is another one: “DRAGONS, GIANTS & WITCHES” Illustrated by Stephen Cartwright.
If you don`t know it yet – I bet you`ll find a cheap copy on amazon. It is a children`s book/comic without speachbubbles. The colours are a bit “late 70s” but the drawings are great!
My last one: “POLO” by Regis Faller. To be honest – I don`t know if children really like it. I discovered this series of books when my own children were already “too old” for it. It is a lovely comic adventure without words in a children`s book format. I love it! Please have a “look inside”:
Merry Christmas!