I’ve recently put the 4th yeti book to bed, so I’m ploughing on with new things. New things mean new characters, which are always exciting. It means I get to draw a multitude of faces, working out who’s going to be who.
I like the process of brainstorming faces – watching films for features I like, doodling face shapes and seeing what works for a character.
I’m not going to talk about these characters as the story – a novel – is something I’m keeping close to home for a while. I’m rarely secretive about stuff, but this story warrants it I think. Still, that doesn’t mean I can’t show studies and doodles, does it?!
patrick says
These characters are great! I am really looking forward to the story.
alex says
thank you! It’s all early days, but the writing’s coming along. I doubt the story will be fully illustrated, but we’ll see!