Here’s to a very lovely Christmas break, and here’s to the first glass of Port for the year!
See you all in 2012. I’m certain it’ll be a good year.
About Alex
Reader Interactions
Torsten Marschallsays
Dear Alex,
today I received an e-mail from the German bookpublisher Ravensburger, telling me they have no plans releasing part three of the Mousebeard trilogy here in Germany. That is rather annoying, as my 9 year old daughter loved the first two books and is eagerly awaiting part three, which I believe has been available for almost two years now.
Can you tell me whether Ravensburger still own the German rights ?
If there’s no German publisher for part three I might start translating the book to German myself …
Best wishes for a happy new year
Torsten Marschall, Germany
Alex Milwaysays
Hello Torsten!
Thanks for contacting me. Sadly, I’ve heard no news about book three (mousebeard’s revenge) being translated into German. The trilogy was sold abroad as separate books, so in light of that email you’ve received, i can only say that it’s unlikely to happen any time soon.
I’m really sorry, but thanks for your interest in my books, it’s incredibly kind of you.
Dear Alex,
today I received an e-mail from the German bookpublisher Ravensburger, telling me they have no plans releasing part three of the Mousebeard trilogy here in Germany. That is rather annoying, as my 9 year old daughter loved the first two books and is eagerly awaiting part three, which I believe has been available for almost two years now.
Can you tell me whether Ravensburger still own the German rights ?
If there’s no German publisher for part three I might start translating the book to German myself …
Best wishes for a happy new year
Torsten Marschall, Germany
Hello Torsten!
Thanks for contacting me. Sadly, I’ve heard no news about book three (mousebeard’s revenge) being translated into German. The trilogy was sold abroad as separate books, so in light of that email you’ve received, i can only say that it’s unlikely to happen any time soon.
I’m really sorry, but thanks for your interest in my books, it’s incredibly kind of you.